im. Accompanying her was another companion, who, blinded by self-interest, believed that the aloof gaze was actually directed at her! The two approached gracefully, their presence seemingly surrounded...As night fell, Rong Ling stopped working and came out of his study. When he entered the room where Lin Meng was staying, the two little ones were already asleep. The two youngsters, like two little pups, nestled in their blankets, looking just like a small ball. Their heads were touching each other, looking at each other with a secret intimacy, as if they really were two close brothers!
"Shh!" Lin Meng held up her index finger to her lips, and lightly pointed with the other hand at the two little ones who were already asleep. As Rong Ling approached, she smiled softly and told him, "They're asleep!"
Rong Ling smiled inwardly, this was exactly the effect she wanted, and she chose this time for a reason.
Twisting his body, he went to get the sweater and then handed it to Lin Meng.
"Take this, let's go to the room next door and try it out. Don't wake the children!"r was actually quite cold."Such a cute nickname, I'll call him YouYou too!""Hee hee..." Lin Meng laughed. "You see, don't underestimate this little guy, he has his own temper, not everyone can call hi...